About Miraculous Medal

„Let us do our utmost and in order that She with Her «Knight» and Her Medal would win over the world” — called out St. Maximillian. This call is current also in our times, especially while The Blessed Virgin awaits for the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. Let The Medal, fully deserving to be called a Miraculous one, become a net in which the souls shall be cought. „Let the Medal be a weapon, or let us say more rightly — a bullet, through which each Knight will make use of” — used to say St. Maximillian.

On November 27th in year 1830 The Blessed Virgin Mary appears to Catherine Labouré, who is a novice from the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. It is the second of the three apparitions at Rue de Bac 140 in Paris. During this apparition Immaculata instructs Catherine to mint and distribute The Miraculous Medal after the pattern revealed. The story was published by Father Kolbe in „Knight of Immaculata” in June 1922.