About Saints of Virgin Mary

The general belief that the saints were not alike to us is false. They too experienced temptations, would fall and rise again, be weighed down by sadness, in weakness paralised by discouragement . But remembering the words of The Saviour: "Apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5) and those of St. Paul " I can do all things in Him who strengtheneth me" (Letter to The Phillipians 4:13 ) — they trusted not themselves but put all their trust in God, having fallen humbled themselves , feeling remorse with all their hearts , cleansed their souls from the dirt in the sacrament of penance and with even greater eagerness continued onwards with their work . And thus their falls served as rungs in reaching the heights of perfection and would become lighter and lighter. When St. Scholastica asked her brother St. Benedict what is needed to reach sainthood, she received the answer: "One needs to want it".

Father Maximilian Kolbe, Kraków, March 1922

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